Intel FPGA Xilinx XC6SLX9-2CPG196C equipped is available at FPGAMALL

ALTERA 10AS016C4U19E3SG is available at FPGAMALL

Please review product page below for detailed information, including XC6SLX9-2CPG196C price, datasheets, in-stock availability, technical difficulties. 

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 Please refer to the product datasheet/catalog for confirmed specifications from the manufacturer before ordering. 
The ISO9001 ISO9003 registration gives you an assurance that 10AS016C4U19E3SG is systems are accurate, comprehensive and conform to the rigorous requirements of the ISO standard. These requirements ensure FPGAMALL Electronics's long-term commitment to continuous improvements.

FPGA overview10AX115U4F45E3VG10AX02210AX02710AX032
Logic elements (LEs)160K220K270K320K
Adaptive logic modules (ALMs)61,51083,730101,620118,730
ALM registers246,040334,920406,480474,920
M20K memory blocks440588750891
M20K memory size (Mb)9111517
MLAB memory size (Mb)1.01.8
Variable-precision digital
signal processing (DSP) blocks
18 x 19 multipliers3123821,6601,970
Peak fixed-point peformance (GMACS)3434201,8262,167
Peak floating-point performance (GFLOPS)140172747887
Maximum user I / O pins (Device)288288384384
Maximum user I / O pins (Board)128128128128

For more information on FPGAMALL overview, please visit the Intel Arria 10 GX website.

  • Equipped with Intel Arria 10 GX FPGA
    • 10AX016E4F27E3SG
    • 10AX022E4F27E3SG
    • 10AX027E4F27E3SG
    • 10AX032E4F27E3SG
  • 3.3V single power supply 1.8V, 0.9V, 1.03V, 1.35V are generated in the board
    * I / O power supply (VCCOA / VCCOB) must be supplied from CNA and CNB.
  • Configuration ROM: MT25QU256
  • Onboard clock: 50MHz, 100MHz (CMOS), 100MHz (LVDS)
    can be supplied externally
  • High-speed transceiver Evaluable
    Tx / Rx pair is pulled out to each connector (CNA / CNB) and
    equipped with a reference clock (125MHz)
  • Equipped with
    DDR3L SDRAM (Micron, 4Gbit MT41K512M8DA-107: P (512M x 8)
  • JTAG connector
    download cable
    Compatible with various USB Blaster, etc. 10-pin socket
  • General purpose LED x2
  • General-purpose switch x2
    Push button switch x1
    DIP switch x1
  • Status LED: CONF_DONE (blueXC2V1000-4FG456I), Maritime Silk Road POWER LED (red)
  • Equipped with a reset circuit for configuration
  • User I / O: 128 (CNA: 64 / CNB: 64) The
    CNA and CNB I / O power supplies (VCCOA / VCCOB) are separated and must be supplied from the outside. It supports voltages up to 1.2V, 1.25V, 1.35V, 1.5V, 1.8V.
    • Not all I / O is LVDS compatible
    • Users are requested to consider each I / O standard based on FPGA materials.
  • 10-layer board
  • Board dimensions: 54mm x 43mm half card size    





